I thought maybe teddy grahams would do the trick, a little bribe for quiet. Nope. Teddy grahmas gone, Kenzie amuses herself by poking Hannah and asking on a never-ending repeat, "Mom, where are we going? Why? I want to go home. I'm cold." Then she leans forward and all the blankets fall out of the stroller. I stop, tuck them back in, make various threats and promises, and then try to run. The stroller veers distinctly to the left, and my thumb has cramps from trying to keep it straight. (Thumb cramps, add that to the list of ailments known only after children.)
Adding to the excitement of this particular double jogger run is that I am running to every gas station within a 3 mile radius (there are three), to try and find free air for the tires on the double jogger. The tires are slightly flat, which might be why it feels like Kenzie and Hannah weigh 1,000 pds. Every free air station is out of order. At the end of the run, I almost started crying. It was not a proud mom moment. I said to Kenzie, after a particularly annoying Hannah-poke, "I don't understand why you can't just sit still and be good while I go on a run. I just don't understand." It was not in a loving tone either. The rest of the day she said in stern tones to her stuffed animals and dolls, "I just don't understand. I don't understand." Hmmmm... I blame it all on the evil double jogger.
Venting over. We had a nice weekend driving to Idaho (nice is not sarcastic, it really was fun), to celebrate Alisha and my mom's birthdays. Alisha and Dustin have a cute little apartment and it was so fun to see the Russells. We missed Jared
and Shaelynn being there. Kenzie and Hannah were super good for the drive. (How does Kenzie manage to be so good for 4 hours of driving and so bad for 30 min. of running?)
You are so funny. I wish you would have considered this before you spent $200 on a jogging stroller that you want to burn... That's OK, I still love you passionately.
We finally found you! Okay, you finally found us!!! We read your whole blog and Steph, you are an amazing writer. I particularly liked the part about sneaking chocolate chips. If I wanted to make cookies anytime in the near future Dan would have to HIDE them from me. Too bad you can't just pick up some good old cc's here :( That's okay, Vince just got a load of candy :) Oh, and there's a really cool jogging stroller I want, but it's 600 dollars, so Mike, don't complain. check out Phil and Ted's double stroller and drool. Too bad we probably won't ever have one.
You have two kids and you are STILL trying to run!?!? Don't you get enough exercise chasing them around?;)
Seriously, I secretly envy that cool mom that runs in her spandex shorts and halter top (showing off her six-pack abs) with her two kids in the jogging stroller. Nobody wants to see my abs, trust me.
She probably gives her kids benedryl to knock them out... there's an idea. ;)
Hey, I tagged you so check out my blog :)
Hey, when I click on my link on your blog it takes me to a post I did instead of my current blog. Thought you might want to know.
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