Alright, alright. I am sorry to say that I have hacked into this blog. I guess I shouldn't be sneaking in a post to my sexxy (don't worry, not an inappropriate link, just another association with the band who inspired the name of this blog) wife's blog. But I think it's high time she gets a little pat on her back like she is always patting mine, and if I have to hack into her blog and stay up until the wee hours of the morning to do it, so be it.
Steph is the most patient, caring, fascinating, person I have ever met. She is so good to me and our little girls. I don't know how she manages to keep them (and I guess me, too, for that matter) behaviorally proficient. I mean, I take them for 2 hours and I'm at wits end with them ready to lock them in their room until Steph gets home. Steph on the other hand manages to contain potential problems before major meltdowns occur. She is so loving to them as well, always planning little activities for them to do to keep them entertained. One of the girls' current favorites is to be butterflies, which they are very good at.
Steph is crazy good at budgeting her time. Many, many times I find extensive daily TODO lists of hers that would be impossible for me to accomplish in one day, but that she manages to complete mixed in with snacktime, playtime, naptime, stinky-diaper time, etc. with the 2 little rugrats. In fact, she averaged 1-2 newspaper articles a week last year! And that is including the time to go to events, interview, and write the articles. As further proof, may I remind you that Steph was able to finish her Master's degree while she was still working (as a high school teacher!) and while she had a little baby.
Steph does so much for our family unit. Birthdays, holidays, my days off from work, date nights, etc. are all made better by the little finishing touches that she puts on them. I don't think I ever relayed to her how truly grateful I was to her for all that she did to make this last Christmas so memorable. I was trying to finish up with school (I don't know what my problem was--I didn't even have to work while I was back in school!), and she took care of everything. The girls absolutely loved that day.
I love that she loves the outdoors and helps me to be "inconvenienced" by taking the girls on adventures with us as well. The girls are gaining such an appreciation for nature, and I know it is because we are including them in our trips.
The last thing I am going to mention is her laugh. Honestly, if I am fussy or if I had a bad day at work, it only takes Steph's laugh to cheer me up. I love making her laugh and that is part of the reason I find her so fascinating. She has such a clever, witty sense of humor. Here she is showing off that laugh of hers.
I love you Steph! And the girls love you, too! You win an all expenses paid trip to the luxurious Cafe Rio tonight!
That was really sweet Mike! I was just thinking about how I don't really know Steph well in "real" life but love her through your blog. I've always thought she was the perfect girl for you and I am sure (considering how much you... Mike... always make EVERYONE laugh) that the two of you have some good times together!
Hear! Hear! Mike, that was so sweet. I completely agree. I think your wife is one of the neatest people on anyone's block!!
Cafe Rio? Man, she must be a queen. I have to BEG and PLEAD to go there. And I am glad you were talking about Steph being the sexiest woman, and not the other one you said that to. (wink, wink)
*is it fitting that my "word verification" was council?
What a sweet, sweet post! Maybe I need to give my husband the blog password. I somehow don't think it would work out like this.
You deserve it Stephanie!!!
Gosh Mike. This post makes me cry. I love you.
She really is a wonderful women. The fact that you recignize that is so nice. You guys are a great team!
I love Stephanie. And I think your little girls are the cutest things ever. You forgot to mention that she finds the time to run marathons! She really is amazing... and I agree that her laugh is the best!
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