Seven things that made me fall in love with Mike:
1. His very attractive arm hair (someday I will have to tell the story of our arm-hair induced first date)
2. His sincerity. At first I thought, "Is this guy for real?!" He said so many nice things to me and always knew exactly what to say. He even said he liked my glasses.
3. His kindness. Mike always made me feel comfortable and made everyone around him feel comfortable. He brought me peanut butter. He played along with my shirt stealing antics. He wrote me nice notes. He made me a good luck lunch box to take to races. He came to my races. (Although that was probably because our uniforms were so attractive.)
4. His straight-forward honesty. I wasn't worried about where I stood with him. (Except that one time when he told me I was a nice girl. I was sure it was over then)
5. His sweetness. Our first kiss was after he played me his favorite song "The Big Empty" that we slow danced to, and then he kissed me on the cheek and said, "That's the best I can do right now." And then ran away. It was wonderful. He completely melted my heart. He even wrote me a poem and learned to play the guitar so he could sing me a song.
6. His hilarity. When he wasn't melting my heart and making me feel all floaty and lovey, Mike was making me laugh. He made me a hilarious video about the stolen shirt, he put together the funniest picture album of his adventures with the pink suitcase, and he wrote a sign for my track meets that said, "My girlfriend looks hot in bummies."
7. His ability to do anything. Mike beat me in Scrabble! And he kept up with me in running. What?! I was perturbed, but I was intrigued. I love a good challenge and Mike provided some good, friendly competition.
8. His good looks. Honestly, when that boy smiled and those gorgeous eyes of his lit up in a laugh, I simply turned into a gooey mush of marshmallow creme.
Oh, that was eight! Maybe we'll consider the eighth reason a pinch to grow an inch.
Those are some of the reasons I fell in love with Mike and the reasons I fall in love with him over and over.
We celebrated 7 years of bliss by locking our keys in the rental car. What does this symbolize? That I am an expensive and complicated wife. Because it was me who locked the keys in the car. And then I locked us out of our apartment looking for the keys to the car. Luckily, our friends who were watching the girls for us lent us their car until we could pay someone $61 to slim jim it open in about 5 seconds. And luckily we're living in a hotel, where they hand out room keys as freely as the sweat on a summer day in Alabama flows. (I have about 10 keys now)
We went to dinner at a great Italian place called Carabbas and then we returned home for a romantic evening of studying and family co-habitation. We've promised ourselves a trip sans girls when we get home from Alabama. Happy Anniversary my sweet love!
AWESOME post! Happy Anniversary :)
Sorry about that. The explitives caused the previous comment to be removed. JK, I accidentally posted under Steph's name and it looked like she was posting a comment to herself...Let's try again.
Thanks my love! You are so sexxy, and you still look great in bummies! Thanks for the 7 blissful years and I'm so glad we could celebrate our anniversary in Alabama together! It hasn't been easy being smashed together with the girls, but I would be so sad if you guys weren't here with me. Thanks for being so funny, smart, loving, encouraging, and enduring. I love you! And for the record, I didn't run away after I kissed your cheek--it was more of a brisk walk. Then I went to Eli's house and climbed up his railing to his living room and (very excitedly) told all of my friends about it.
Happy Anniversary you guys. I still remember going to your wedding reception when I was dating Abe. You two make the perfect couple.
I'm still laughing from your telling how you spent your anniversary. You are the funniest person I know!
What are bummies?
You and I have sexy arm hair in common. I'm all about man hair. As long as it's not on the back.
Happy Anniversary Steph! Are you still doing the relay? It's a good thing I am not, this altitude is killing me!
What a sweet post. It brought a tear to my eye to know that you and Mikey have such a good marriage. Everyone needs one!
Check with your car insurance to see if they will pay the locksmith. Ours did. :-)
Loves, GMB
We're so glad you fell in love.
Cute post. Kyle and I laughed (in a good way) at the first kiss. Ran away...hahahaha.
And we LOVED your Alabama adventures. You are a great writer and hilarious! Keep entertaining us and don't come home (we think you get most of your hilarious material from living in Alabama:)
oooh, cute. You are so sappy, I knew you had it in you. oh, wait I always knew you had that in you. I love it. I am excited to see you again, someday. soon.
This post really made me cry!! I feel so lucky I was able to be around you in your "falling in love" time of life!! I have always been the biggest fan of Mike because the friend he was and has been to my husband!! All those things are SO TRUE and everyone who meets him feels like a hundred bucks!! Happy Anniversary to the sweetest, most WONDERFUL couple I know!! We love you guys - Heidi
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