I love baby walks with the stiff legs and abrupt sitting. Those diapers add some good cushioning.
Hannah has taken steps a few times, but she was reluctant to let go of my hand, or the wall, or the couch. She was spider-baby, working her way around a seemingly impossible room, finding handholds that didn't exist. The other day she just let go and started walking around. Sigh. I remember the day Kenzie decided she could walk all by herself. For months she refused to let go of my hand, clinging to it like it was a lifeline (which in a way it was). We were at the Gallivan Center, with some friends from my old SLC writing group, and they had a cool water feature. Kenzie just let go and walked towards it, so pleased. I was so happy. And so sad. I guess sad is the wrong word. It was just one of those mom moments, where you cheer for your kids, but sigh for yourself because that part of you isn't needed anymore.
Hannah wasn't really motivated by one thing, but everything. Everyone else was walking, why shouldn't she? So now she toddles around and still loves to have a hand, but if you're not going where she wants to, she will let go and walk. She often walks up to me, looks up at me, and claps for herself, like, "Hey mom, look what I did. Why aren't you clapping too?"
Such a sweetie.
Thanks for your blog. These are the little things that I miss by living in Washington. I tried to see Hannah walk, but the video "wasn't available". I'll try later.
Love you, Grandma Bett
I love first walks, Hannah is such a darling.
I didn't realize that I was there for Kenzies first steps. Aahh.
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