Friday, April 23, 2010

Sweet Moments

Yesterday a thunderstorm swept through, crashing and whistling and lighting up the house in the early morning hours. Mike had already left for work and I could see the lightening strikes leaking through the blinds, so I reached over from the bed and opened the blinds to watch, curling my pregnant self under the blanket for warmth. A few minutes later, Hannah came crying into my room, scared by the tin sounds of the thunder.
"Come here Hannah," I said and opened the covers. "Come watch it with me. It's a little scary, huh?"
She snuggled her little body into mine and together we "oohed" and "ahhed" at the flashes in the dark clouds. And we shivered together when the thunder was loud.
"Look mommy, there's one!" Hannah whispered.
"Ahh did you see that one?" I whispered back.
And together we turned her terror into wonder.


Anonymous said...

Some of my sweetest memories are watching thunder storms with my Gramdma Flowers from her back porch. I love watching them to this day. You are a sweet mommy.

Sarai said...

Hi! Thanks for stoping by my blog. Happy running!